Monday, July 19, 2010

Yep, it's been too long

Things at home have been very hectic. We have all been sick, WH and DD and I passed around stomach bugs like we were playing "hot potato" and then upper respiratory infections.  I felt like we were all typhoid Mary.  Most of the time when I would get off work it was straight to bed. I haven't bought groceries in weeks and thank God DD can do laundry and was willing to clean while mom was working.  She has been a lifesaver over the past 4 weeks when she wasn't feeling awful as well.  It's not been fun.

Everytime I got to feeling better and tried to jump back into life I would be knocked right back down and wind up back in bed.  This has been going on for almost a month.  I had to miss out on plans with friends and we weren't able to go to church.  It seemed to start a downward spiral. 

Not only was my body suffering from illness but my spirit began to grow ill.  Just like germs can gain a foothold and a stronghold over our bodies when our immune system is weak, satan can use our physical and emotional weaknesses to gain a foothold as well that can turn into a stronghold if we aren't careful.  

It has been an interesting journey this past month and I am so thankful that I feel like I'm coming out the other side of it now.  I've been in dark places before but didn't know what was missing or how to fix it.   There is a certain peace in knowing that what is missing, the reason it is getting "dark".  For me it was because I was missing the joy.  Thank about that and I'll be talking about it more. 


Look it up.  How do you define it? 

Leave a comment and tell me about your joy.  There might even be a prize. 

I'll be back, thank God.