I used to play volleyball and basketball a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away). I was center on my basketball team in school. I am 5’8 and according to my great-aunts I was “big-boned” (the southern polite way of saying I was a big girl). But I had a hard time focusing. I couldn’t concentrate on the plays; I couldn’t remember where we were supposed to go. I wasn’t good. I was clumsy and awkward and felt like a bull in a china shop.

There has been a lot of noise recently in our house. Noise from the house being disorganized and things out of place, end of school projects for DD and things going on at work. A few weeks ago I went for a physical. My doctor felt something suspicious. Tests were ordered that turned down all the noise around me because IT was so loud. Lesions, is it cancer? Polyps, a mass? I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t focus on work. I couldn’t focus on being a wife, a mother, a daughter or a friend. I couldn’t focus on writing. Too much noise.
People would say to me, “God is in control” and even I would say “God’s got it.” But the noise around me would start to rumble louder. I didn’t want to come here and blog about my doubts, about my fears, about the unknown and so I quit. Too much noise. But I wrote in my head, because unlike basketball or volleyball, writing is my passion. I just couldn’t find it in me to sit down and focus long enough to get it out. I was doing it in my strength and my strength had run out.
We aren’t completely out of the woods yet on the medical tests but all, thus far, have come back negative or benign (God got it. I’m just lumpy). I meet with my surgeon on Thursday to find out our next step.
This past month I realized that Satan will turn up the noise in order to drown out my shouts of praise. He succeeded for a time. I didn’t know how to tune him out. I have stumbled lately, not knowing the plays, not understanding my position in the game. But God is patient and a coach like no other. I am learning to tune out the world and turn down the noise. It’s a slow process. Distractions and drama fight for my attention constantly. Unlike sports, which I thought I had to do to make my daddy proud (I know that’s not true now), I AM passionate about my writing. I am passionate about focusing on what He has done in my life and I am learning to do it in His strength, not mine. I have to write it down. I have to speak it. It is as necessary to me as breathing.
How is this going to play out? What's my position? I don’t have that figured out yet, but I know I have to focus on each play, listen to my Coach, and remember that we are all on the same team. So put me in Coach, I’m ready to play. The game is far from over, but guess what, WE WIN.
This was so encouraging to hear! About two months ago, I was going through the most stressful period of my life thus far. And just when that began to settle down, I began showing symptoms of what they later pre-diagnosed as MS. Then came the tests, and the waiting, and the bills.
And it's good to hear that God is still guiding, and still in control. I know it all in my mind, and others from my church keep repeating it to me. But hearing it from someone else who's "on the court" just like me... well, somehow it just means a little bit more. So far, He's been using this to pull me closer to Him, and it's a wonderful feeling.
Thank you so much for commenting. It is hard when you don't know what the next test is going to be, what the results, not to mention the bills, getting off work, etc. etc. Noise my friend. Lots of noise. I will be praying for you and let me know if there is anything a fellow team mate can do to help out. God's got it my friend. Our goal is to stay in the game.
In His grip,
Great post daughter, so glad to see you writing again.
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