Matthew 22:34-40
What have you done this week that shows your love for God penetrates to the depth of your being? What have you done this week (not normal activity) that shows those around you that you love them?
Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
With ALL my heart? All of it? ALL my soul? Really God? And ALL my mind? I’m not sure I know how.
Loving the Lord my God with ALL my heart. This means having no idols before Him.
Do I love God more than my husband? Yes (sorry Rodney)
Do I love God more than my parents? Yes (That truly was a hard question to answer, it's my mom and dad)
Do I love God more than my friends? Yes (Yes, and for some of those friends it's a lot easier to love God more)
Do I love God more than my children? _______ (Um…
More than my child?
I would die for my child. I would run into a burning building for my child. I would ride into hell with a water pistol full of Holy water for my child. But do I love God more than my child??? Yes, I have to. She deserves nothing less.
In order to love my child God’s way I have to love God more than I love my child.
Read that again.
In order to love my child God’s way I have to love God more than I love my child.
Because only by loving Him more am I able to be the mother that she needs.
It is only by loving Him more that I can be the wife, the daughter, the friend and yes the mother that He wants me to be. I cannot do it in my strength because there are times when I will fail. There will be times that I make mistakes, speak before I think, act before I pray, and make a mess of things. But if I put God and my love for Him before EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else in my life then I can be strong, stand firm, but also take correction, ask forgiveness, and be convicted not condemned. The love that God has for me can impact not only the ones around me that I love so very much, but also those that I, on my own, find very difficult to love.
That’s just the first part of this verse. Loving the Lord with all our heart. Will talk about the soul and the mind in a bit. I have to get ready for work.
God, please help each of us to love You today and every day more than anything or anyone. It is beyond our human comprehension to understand or know how very much You love us but God I pray that You will speak into the hearts of your children and work through us so that we may each show others what an Awesome God You are. Love conquers all and my Father, because You are Love, then logically, only YOU can conquer all. Father that is what this fallen world needs, our heavenly conqueror to love, protect, and provide. Thank You Father for doing all that and more for each of your children.
So true! We have to love God first in order to live the life he has planned for us... then everything else just falls into place.
Thanks Leigh for this reminder. By loving God first and most...then we are in a position for Him to be glorified in our lives and in turn through our lives.
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